Senior Pastor
Todd Reed, Pastor, was born March 5, 1969. Pastor was born again as a young man, when God in His goodness opened his eyes to see himself as sinful, Him as holy and Jesus Christ as the only way to life and freedom. God gave him faith to believe, to turn from himself and the world and surrender everything to Him. Pastor came on staff in July 2012.
His ministry involves administration of all ministries, preaching, leading Bible studies and offering biblical counseling, conducting weddings and funerals and ministering in times of sickness in conjunction with other ministerial staff. Pastor’s family includes his wife Debbie and five children, Andrew, Peter, Johnathan, James and Hannah. Outside of church, Pastor enjoys music, the outdoors, hunting and fishing. A motto that drives Pastor in his life is “Be the Church!”
For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Philippians 1:21